Waldo Williams

Waldo Williams

He was a conscientious objector to Word War II, and the horror of war was evident in his poems during this period –
Y Tangnefeddwyr (The Peacemeakers), which describes “Abertawe’n fflam” (“Swansea aflame”) is one which stays in the memory.

Y Tangnefeddwyr 
Uwch yr eira, wybren ros,
Lle mae Abertawe'n fflam.
Cerddaf adref yn y nos,
Af dan gofio 'nhad a 'mam.
Gwyn eu byd tu hwnt i glyw,
Tangnefeddwyr, plant i Dduw.
Ni châi enllib, ni châi llaid
Roddi troed o fewn i'w tre.
Chwiliai 'mam am air o blaid
Pechaduriaid mwya'r lle.
Gwyn eu byd tu hwnt i glyw,
Tangnefeddwyr, plant i Dduw.
Angel y cartrefi tlawd
Roes i 'nhad y deuberl drud:
Cennad dyn yw bod yn frawd,
Golud Duw yw'r anwel fyd.
Gwyn eu byd tu hwnt i glyw.
Tangnefeddwyr, plant i Dduw.
Cenedl dda a chenedl ddrwg -
Dysgent hwy mai rhith yw hyn,
Ond goleuni Crist a ddwg
Ryddid i bob dyn a'i myn.
Gwyn eu byd, daw dydd a'u clyw,
Dangnefeddwyr, plant i Dduw.
Pa beth heno, eu hystâd,
Heno pan fo'r byd yn fflam?
Mae Gwirionedd gyda 'nhad
Mae Maddeuant gyda 'mam.
Gwyn ei byd yr oes a'u clyw,
Dangnefeddwyr, plant i Dduw. 
The Peacemakers
Rose-red sky above the snow
Where bombed Swansea is alight,
Full of my father and mother I go,
I walk home in the night.
They are blest beyond hearing,
Peacemakers, children of God.
Neither, within their home, abuse
Nor slander could be found.
Mam would look for an excuse
For the biggest scoundrels round.
They are blessed beyond hearing,
Peacemakers, children of God.
It was the angel of poor homes
Gave my father two rich pearls:
Brotherhood the mission of man
God's largesse the invisible world.
They are blessed beyond hearing,
Peacemakers, children of God.
Nation good or nation bad
(So they taught) is fantasy.
In Christ's light is freedom had
For any man that would be free.
Blest, the day dawns that will hear them,
Peacemakers, children of God.
What is their estate tonight,
Tonight, with the world ablaze?
Truth is with my father yet,
Mother with forgiveness stays.
The age will be blest that hears them,
Peacemakers, children of God. 


  1. Powerful words. Waldo Williams suffered for his pacifist views but stuck to those beliefs throughout his life, despite everything the authorities did to him because of them.

  2. Dw i ddim yn gallu ffeindio y gair "Tangnefeddwr" yn "Y geiriadur cyfoes" gan H Meurig Evans.Mae 100,000 eiriau a difiniadau ynddo. Gafodd y gair ei ddyfeisio gan Waldo Williams?

  3. Naddo, dewisodd y brawddeg yma yn ôl Mathew pennod 5 adnod 9 yn Beibl William Morgan.
    Mae'r gair yn cael ei gyfiethu fel "peacemakers" yn saesneg ac yn cyfiethiad newydd fel "y rhai sy'n hyrwyddo heddwch"
